product name: belly burner
Exercise & Health 2010 Great ABS Fast&Easy Exercises Home &Gym Routines Total-body workouts Martial arts drills survivor training You are shopping on The Belly Burner! Ab/Abominal Exercise Belt .
The item was a store return and may have been refurbished to strengthen the belt at it`s highest stress points.
The Belly Burner was invented by celebrity trainer Bobby Waldron and use to be only available to his personal clients. The Belly Burner works by safely and naturally generating heat which increases your metabolic rate and speeds up the calorie burning process. This means more weight loss and more effective workouts. Women tend to collect more fat in the tummy and also have a harder time getting rid of it.
The Belly Burner belt is able to help you get that weight off more quickly while doing any kind of exercise whatsoever, including walking, jogging or even riding your bike.
Weight loss belt turns your body into a fat-burning machine so you burn calories faster. Simply wrap it around your waist while walking, jogging, cycling, weightlifting and more. Also includes exercise and food journal, meal planner nutrition log and calorie counter. One thing that most people aren aware of is that when your body temperature is low you will start storing fat as a way to raise your temperature. Conversely, when you raise your body temperature you burn that fat. The Belly Burner Belt?Burns more calories faster while complementing any exercise or physical activity: walking, biking, jogging, gym ?plus, adds support to your back!
belly burner made in china.